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Zuni Ceremonial Eagle Pendant / Pin / Necklace

Regular price $3,250.00 USD
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  • Vendor:

    Sedona Indian Jewelry


Vintage (1978), Ceremonial, Zuni Eagle Pendant / Pin and Necklace
Signed and Dated on the reverse side of the Pendant

Handmade by Bobby and Corraine Shack. Zuni Pueblo, USA

Highly Collectible... Museum Quality... The Gem Stones are highest grade Turquoise, Coral other Exotic Shell.  It was made Made in 1978 - Signed and Dated on the reverse side of the Pendant.

It is signed in scrippt by Bobby and Corraine Shack...  2/24/78... Zuni New Mexico"

The Eagle is the Protector of a threat from the Sky.  The colors seen in it are the 6 Directional Colors of Zuni,. Each direction is represented by a Prey God, or Guardian animal, and are listed by Cushing in his notes of the late 1880's or so as follows:

  • north: yellow mountain lion
  • west: black bear (represented by the color blue),
  • south: red badger,
  • east: white wolf,
  • above or the sky: multicolored eagle,
  • below or underground:        The Shacks were well respected Zuni silversmiths who created their own jewelry. They are published, a Bio appears in the 3 Vol Zuni Artist Directory from that time as well as other publications featuring their art. Zunis noted for its arisyts and their lapidary. The Shacks were among the best.

This Thunderbird or Eagle, as seen here, is made of Silver and the gems are perfectly cut and polished to fit its own silver channel

The Thunderbird measures about 5 1/2".  Look at the palm of your hand.
This Thunderbird is bigger.  The handmade silver necklace is included.

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